2007 RISE Planning Workshop
SIG and the African Academy of Sciences convened a two-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya in June 2007 to plan RISE. Sponsored by Carnegie Corporation of New York, the workshop brought together scientists, educators, administrators, government officials, and development experts from Africa and abroad to co-design the initiative.
The planning meeting and extensive consultations that followed led to the drafting of a Request for Proposals, which was distributed widely to universities in sub-Saharan Africa in December 2007.

Middle (L to R): M. Ehst, J. Olang, A. Anderson, M. Hassan, S. Abbott, P. Griffiths, A. Yayé, A. Watkins, T. Isoun, B. Abegaz
Front (L to R): A. Hastings, S. Hastings, T. Givens, F. Gudyanga, J.P.R. Ochieng'-Odero, P. Mugambi, S. Arungu-Olende, J. Ssebuwufu, O. Adewoye
Intra-African Cooperation in Chemical Sciences: The Experiences of NABSA and Some Lessons
Berhanu Abegaz
The African Science Academy Development Initiative
John Boright
The RISE Concept
Phillip Griffiths
Rwandan Government Perspectives on Science and Technology for Development
Mike Hughes
The African Forest Research Network (AFORNET) (related PDF)
Iba Kone
2iE: International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering
Amadou Hama Maiga
The Role of Science Academies in Promoting Science Education Programmes in Africa
Paul Mugambi
The Role of Private Sector in Building Capacity – Cisco Networking Academy Program
Hital Muraj
Overview and Analysis of African Regional Networks: Summary of a Report for the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa
Katherine Namuddu
African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI)
Wandera Ogana
The World Bank and Regional Initiatives
Sonia Plaza
Role of Universities in Regional Training and Research
John Ssebuwufu
World Bank Observations on Building STI Capacity for Development
Al Watkins
Speech - Opening Remarks
Noah Wekesa of the Kenyan Ministry of Science and Technology, read by Samuel Oreta
The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and its Regional Capacity Strengthening Initiative
Aissétou Yayé