2009 RISE Meeting

Second Annual RISE Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, September 28-29, 2009
Back (L to R): J. Borode, K. Gitahi, M. Mendi, A. Dubi, V. Odhiambo, R. Kisakye, N. Egiebor, B. Mwamila, P. Jeconiah, W. Masamba, J. Kabasa, S. Lyantagaye, S. Okello, M. Griffiths, G. Rading, M. Kandawa-Schulz, E. Ongeso, R. Mdegela, L. Piranian, D. Hughes, F. Kavishe, F. Ngonda
Front (L to R): J. Saka, T. Capecci, L. Cornish, A. Djikeng, A. Hastings, M. Ocaido, P. Griffiths, A. Johnson, J. Morris, L. Kachuwai, T. Egwang, J. Olang
RISE leaders met in Nairobi to reflect on the program's first year and discuss objectives and strategies for achieving them. Network leaders presented updates on their activities, highlighted their groups’ accomplishments, shared best practices, and discussed challenges they had overcome or were working to resolve. The African Academy of Sciences summarized and provided feedback on the networks’ first-year progress reports. A number of complementary initiatives were presented and discussed.
Robinson Mdegela
Lesley Cornish
Denis Hughes
Alfonse Dubi
Burton Mwamila
Appolinaire Djikeng