Inaugural RISE Meeting

Back (L to R): W. Soboyejo, G. Rading, D. Davies, R. Goode, R. Mdegela, I. Naigaga, C. Howell, Y. Yemshaw, M. Kigozi, K. Gitahi, D. Mazvimavi, F. Kavishe, I. Kone, D. Hughes, A. Dubi, J. Morris, A. Hoguane, C. Gitta, C. Ziba, L. Kachuwai, P. Jeconiah
Front (L to R): J. Olang, L. Cornish, T. Capecci, A. Sabour, L. Piranian, A. Hastings, T. Egwang, N. Ghezae, P. Griffiths, J. Kabasa, R. Kisakye, J. Saka
The goal of the meeting was to set the stage for a productive, sustainable initiative. RISE network leaders met one another — often for the first time — and were introduced to contacts, resources and potential partners. Government and private sector representatives shared their perspectives on developing curricula and programs relevant to the region’s economic growth. The group discussed mechanisms for management, reporting, and communications.
Welcome Remarks: Africa and Globalization
Thomas Egwang
Thomas Egwang
RISE: Opportunity and Responsibility
Phillip Griffiths
Phillip Griffiths
AMSEN: African Materials Science and Engineering Network
Lesley Cornish
Lesley Cornish
RISE-AFNNET: African Natural Products Network
John David Kabasa
John David Kabasa
Southern Africa Water Resources Network
Denis Hughes
Denis Hughes
WIO-RISE: Western Indian Ocean Regional Initiative
Alfonse Dubi
Alfonse Dubi
Public-Private Partnership: Science and Technology for Development in Uganda (East Africa Perspective)
Maggie Kigozi
Maggie Kigozi
Scientists, Engineers, Techno-Entrepreneurs? Some Perspectives on Business-Academic Partnerships
Richard Goode
Richard Goode
New University Partnerships
Diana Davies, Princeton University
Diana Davies, Princeton University
International University Consortia: Windsor Group, Universitas 21
Overview, Consortia/Africa Projects, Trans-University Health Project
Cameron Howell, University of Virginia
Overview, Consortia/Africa Projects, Trans-University Health Project
Cameron Howell, University of Virginia
ST-EAP: Science and Technology Europe/Africa Programme
Jacqueline Olang
Jacqueline Olang
IFS: International Foundation for Science Grants Program
Nighisty Ghezae
Nighisty Ghezae
TWAS: The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World
Jacqueline Olang
Jacqueline Olang