2006 Workshop on the Concept of a Global Science Corps in Africa
Sponsored by the Science Initiative Group (SIG) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Special Unit for South-South Cooperation
Hosted by the African Academy of Sciences, Hilton Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
January 16-17, 2006
Prof. Berhanu Abegaz
Dr. Shem Arungu-Olende
Ms. Kiera Carlisle
Selection and Evaluation Criteria
Dr. Jill Conley
Dr. Jill Conley
NEPAD Council
Dr. Appolinaire Djikeng
Dr. Appolinaire Djikeng
Meeting Contribution
Prof. Emmanuel Edee
Prof. Emmanuel Edee
Dr. Cosmas Gitta
Dr. Cosmas Gitta
Host Institution Perspective (Zimbabwe)
Prof. Francis Gudyanga
Prof. Francis Gudyanga
ICSU Regional Office for Africa
Prof. Francis Gudyanga
Prof. Francis Gudyanga
Millennium Science Initiative (MSI)
Ms. Arlen Hastings
Ms. Arlen Hastings
African Regional Centre for Technology (ARCT)
Prof. Ousmane Kane
Prof. Ousmane Kane
Dr. Joseph Massaquoi
Dr. Joseph Massaquoi
Host Institution Perspective (Uganda)
Prof. Paul Mugambi
Prof. Paul Mugambi
Opening Remarks
Prof. G.B.A. Okelo
Prof. G.B.A. Okelo
Closing Remarks
Prof. G.B.A. Okelo
Prof. G.B.A. Okelo
ICIPE Overview (Kenya)
Prof. Onesmo ole-MoiYoi
Prof. Onesmo ole-MoiYoi
Diaspora Study
Dr. Beatrice Seguin
Dr. Beatrice Seguin
TWAS Initiatives
Dr. Daniel Schaffer
Dr. Daniel Schaffer
Dr. Alex Tindimubona
Dr. Alex Tindimubona
Host Institution Perspective (Cameroon)
Prof. Vincent Titanji
Prof. Vincent Titanji