Raphael Tshimanga

PhD in Hydrology from the Institute for Water Research (IWR), Rhodes University
Professor, Deputy Head of Research, Department of Natural Resources Management, University of Kinshasa
Postdoctoral Fellow (April–December 2012), Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University
December 2013 Update: I am pleased to announce the existence of a network for water resources of the Congo Basin, Namely: Congo Basin Network for Research and Capacity Development in Water Resources (CB-HYDRONET), which is the first of the type in the region. Cap-Net helped us establish the network to address the much needed capacity building in the basin. We had a first stakeholders meeting in Kinshasa in December (which was facilitated by Cap-Net) to exchange information on research and capacity building needs in water resources of the Congo Basin. The workshop brought together about 50 water professionals, including researchers, educators, practitioners, river basin organisations representatives as well as other stakeholders involved in water resources management activities in the basin. Currently we are in the process of contacting potential partners and donors who could be interested in our activities to help us achieve this vision.