Sithabile Tirivarombo

PhD in Water Resource Science from the Institute for Water Research (IWR), Rhodes University
Senior Lecturer, Botswana International University of Science and Technology
Hydrological impacts of climate variability and climate change
Read Sithabile's interview on SciDev.Net here.
Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Awardee, 2010-2012
Duke University Africa Initiative Visiting Scholar (April-May 2013; Pictured Above)
Tirivarombo S. 2015. SPI-Climate Impacts on Agricultural Droughts. The Fifth IASTED African Conference on Environment and Water Resources Management (AfricaEWRM 2014)
Tirivarombo S. 2011. Integrated Wetland Modelling for the Kafue Flats. Proceedings of the 12th Waternet-WARFSA Symposium on Science, Policy and Practice, Maputo, Mozambique
Tirivarombo S. 2010. Regional Droughts and Food Security Relationships for the Zambezi Basin. Proceedings of the 11th Waternet-WARFSA Symposium on Science, Policy and Practice, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Tirivarombo S. 2007. Science and Technology for Sustainability: A Case in Zimbabwe. ESRC Seminar, Sussex University. Practical Action, UK-Schumacher Center for Technology, Rugby, UK
Tirivarombo S. 2006. Ecological Sanitation: A Case of Shackleton, Mashonaland West Province. EcosanRes Programme CD
Tirivarombo S, Tsvere M, Nhunzvi P. 2004. Domestic Water Conflicts: A Case Study of Alaska and Shackleton in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the IWA-WAMDEC Conference, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
Tirivarombo S, Tsvere M, Nhunzvi P. 2004. Domestic Water Supply a Problem for Shackleton. Proceedings of the 3rd Waternet-WARFSA Symposium, Windhoek, Namibia
Tirivarombo S. 2004. Environmental Water Demands: A Case Study of Nyatsime River in the Upper Manyame Catchment in Zimbabwe. Proceedings of the IWA-WAMDEC Conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Tirivarombo S. 2004. Ethno-Based Technologies and Traditional Lifestyles in Education. Proceedings of the ZIMSEC Regional Conference on Ethno-Based Learning and School-Based Assessment, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
Tirivarombo S. 2004. Water for the Environment: A Case Study of the Nyatsime River in the Upper Manyame Catchment. Proceedings of the IWA-WAMDEC Conference, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
*maiden name