Johnson Nasimolo

MSc in Veterinary Anatomy from the University of Nairobi
PhD Student and Tutorial Fellow, Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Physiology, University of Nairobi
Development of the lungs, and the effects of the environment and diseases on the lungs
2016 USDA Faculty Exchange Fellowship at Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine: Conducting Respiratory Pathology Research in the Experimental Pathology Lab with Prof. Jack Harkema
2015 Invited Guest Speaker at Louisiana State University College of Veterinary Medicine
2015 Carnegie Fund for Conference Attendance (CFCA) Grantee: Attended Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Lung Development, Injury, and Repair in New Hampshire, USA
2014 TReND in Africa Instruments Excellence Award at IBRO School on Insect Neuroscience and Drosophila Neurogenetics at University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
2014 SfaM eAffiliate Bursary to Attend Summer Conference in Brighton, UK
USAID RESPOND Travel Award to Participate in the 1st OHCEA One Health Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia & the 11th SONA International Conference in Rabat, Morocco
Kenya Veterinary Board Award, Best Final Year Student in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Page 15)
Certificate in Scientific Communication and Publishing from Training Centre in Communication (TCC–Africa)
3rd IBRO/ARC School on Insect Neuroscience and Drosophila Neurogenetics, August 11–30, 2014, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
ICGEB Biodownstream Technology Practical Course, April 15–19, 2013, Piran, Slovenia
IBRO Interregional School on Environment, Epigenetics, and Behavior, December 8–15, 2012, Kilifi, Kenya
IBRO Neuroscience School, Evolution of the Visual System, March 11–21, 2012, Limpopo, South Africa
IBRO Neuroscience School, Models of Approaching Brain Health and Disease, October 29–November 5, 2011, Fez Morocco
Nasimolo J, Kiama SG, Gathumbi P, Makanya AN and Kagira JM (2013). "Erythrina abyssinica reduces astrocytosis in T.brucei brucei chronic mouse model". Front. Immunol. Conference Abstract: 15th International Congress of Immunology (ICI). doi: 10.3389/conf.fimmu.2013.02.00340
"Erythrina abyssinica ameliorates neuroinflammation in chronic trypanosomiasis mouse model", 1st OHCEA One Health Conference, Hilton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 22nd- 26th September 2013
"Erythrina abyssinica ameliorates neuroinflammation in chronic trypanosomiasis mouse model", 19th International Scientific Conference, Southern Sun Mayfair, Nairobi, Kenya, 11th – 13th September 2013
"Trypanosome migration into the brain", 2nd East Africa Neuroscience Conference, 18th-20th June 2012, Nairobi Kenya.