John Leslie Odda

PhD in Natural Products- Phyto Pharmacology from Makerere University
Coordinator and Chair of MSc Experimental Pharmacology and Laboratory Committee at the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University
Interested in natural products research and phytopharmacology with a bias for researching anti-malarial activities of promising herbs/herbal products and working to conserve scientifically proven natural products with medicinal uses.
Passionate about community education and the standardization of methods for processing medicinal plants.
Evaluation of process procedures of selected medicinal plants used for treating Malaria fevers in Tororo District, Uganda
ALNAP Exchange Visitor to the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Addis Ababa University through IPICS Sweden
Odda J, Obua C, Kisaka S, Lubega A, Waako P, Kabasa JD. 2016. In vivo antimalaria activity of the aqueous ethanolic extract of Phyllanthus amarus Schum. and Thonn (Euphorbiaceae) from Uganda. Int. J. Pharm.