David Gwapedza

PhD in Hydrology from the Institute for Water Research (IWR), Rhodes University
SSAWRN PhD Student at Rhodes University, South Africa
Further development of a simple erosion and sediment transport model for catchment management in African catchments
This research aims to address the issues of water quantity and quality. South Africa is a water-scarce country in need of more efficient water resource management. Efficient water resource management depends on information; this study seeks to provide information on the rates of sedimentation of South African reservoirs and river systems. The goal is to build a simple erosion and sediment transport model that can estimate erosion and sediment yield across multiple spatial and temporal scales. The tool (model) will be made freely available to catchment managers across the country, enabling them to quantify rates of sediment and thereby assisting them in the management of scarce water resources.
2019 Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Scholarship Recipient
Founding Member of the Water Scientists Association of Zimbabwe (WSAZ)
2018 Data Carpentry Short Course, Rhodes University
2017 Open-HYPE Short Course, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological institute (SMHI)
2016 GIS Short Course, Rhodes University
2016 Young Water Professionals South Africa Publications Roadshow Participant