Dorothy Nampanzira
PhD in Livestock Nutrition from Makerere University
Lecturer, Department of Livestock and Industrial Resources, Makerere University, Uganda
Improving utilization of locally available feed resources to enhance productivity and reduce methane emissions from livestock
Chapter Scientist on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC)
Reviewer for Agroforestry Systems
Sida/SAREC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2016–18): "Enhancing utilization of F. natalensis by goats using bamboo wood ash and charcoal"
Principal Investigator on 2016 REDD-EA Project: "Status of livestock production in and around Mabira Forest: community risks, attitudes, knowledge and perceptions of carbon sequestration"
2015 Co-Principal Investigator on Regional University Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) Project: "Enhancing productivity of traditional goat phenotypes among small holder farmers of Uganda"
Carnegie Next Generation of African Academics: Grants for Data Collection (2011) and Thesis Completion (2014)
2013 IFS Individual Research Grant: "Developing high-value rations for indigenous meat goats based on some native browse species for small holder farmers"
2011 DAAD In-Country Scholar