© 2015 Sarah E. Rich

Jane Louise Tanner

RISE Degree(s) 

PhD in Hydrology from the Institute for Water Research (IWR), Rhodes University

RISE Network(s) 
South African

Researcher at Rhodes University, South Africa


Integrated hydrological modelling with a focus on surface and groundwater interactions

Special Accomplishments 
Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowship (January 2014 – December 2015)
DAAD-NRF Doctoral Research Support (March 2011 – July 2013)
South African Water Research Commission (WRC) Partial Doctoral Funding | WRC Project No. K5/2056: Implementing uncertainty analysis in water resources assessment and planning (March 2011 – July 2013)

15th SANCIAHS National Hydrology Symposium – Emerging Scientist and Water Resources Engineer Awards, Silver Award (September 2011)

Selected Publications 

Tanner JL, Hughes DA. 2015. Surface water–groundwater interactions in catchment scale water resources assessments — Understanding and hypothesis testing with a hydrological model. Hydrol. Sci. J. 60(11):1880–95.

Hughes DA, Tshimanga RM, Tirivarombo S, Tanner J. 2014. Simulating wetland impacts on stream flow in southern Africa using a monthly hydrological model. Hydrol. Process. 28(4):1775–86.

Hughes DA, Gush M, Tanner J, Dye P. 2014. Using targeted short‐term field investigations to calibrate and evaluate the structure of a hydrological model. Hydrol. Process. 28(5):2794–2809.

Tanner JL, Hughes DA. 2013. Assessing uncertainties in surface-water and groundwater interaction modelling – a case study from South Africa using the Pitman model. In Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments, ed J Cobbing, S Adams, I Dennis, K Riemann, pp. 121–134. London: CRC Press.

Hughes DA, Kapangaziwiri E, Tanner J. 2013. Spatial scale effects on model parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty in ungauged basins. Hydrol. Res. 44(3):441–453.

Kapangaziwiri E, Hughes DA, Tanner J, Slaughter A. 2011. Resolving uncertainties in the source of low flows in South African rivers using conceptual and modelling studies. In Conceptual and Modelling Studies of Integrated Groundwater, Surface Water, and Ecological Systems, pp. 127–32. International Association of Hydrological Sciences.

Email Address(es) 
j.tanner@ru.ac.za; janetanner4@hotmail.com
RISE Degree(s) Completed 
April 2014