Jane Louise Tanner

PhD in Hydrology from the Institute for Water Research (IWR), Rhodes University
Researcher at Rhodes University, South Africa
Integrated hydrological modelling with a focus on surface and groundwater interactions
15th SANCIAHS National Hydrology Symposium – Emerging Scientist and Water Resources Engineer Awards, Silver Award (September 2011)
Tanner JL, Hughes DA. 2015. Surface water–groundwater interactions in catchment scale water resources assessments — Understanding and hypothesis testing with a hydrological model. Hydrol. Sci. J. 60(11):1880–95.
Hughes DA, Tshimanga RM, Tirivarombo S, Tanner J. 2014. Simulating wetland impacts on stream flow in southern Africa using a monthly hydrological model. Hydrol. Process. 28(4):1775–86.
Tanner JL, Hughes DA. 2013. Assessing uncertainties in surface-water and groundwater interaction modelling – a case study from South Africa using the Pitman model. In Assessing and Managing Groundwater in Different Environments, ed J Cobbing, S Adams, I Dennis, K Riemann, pp. 121–134. London: CRC Press.
Hughes DA, Kapangaziwiri E, Tanner J. 2013. Spatial scale effects on model parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty in ungauged basins. Hydrol. Res. 44(3):441–453.