Majuto C. Manyilizu
PhD in Physical Oceanography from the University of Cape Town
Lecturer; Head of the Department of Content Engineering and Multimedia Technology; Coordinator, Research and Publications, and Postgraduate Studies; and Principal Investigator, Computation and Modeling Research Group at the College of Informatics and Virtual Education, the University of Dodoma, Tanzania
Simulation of variability in the tropical Western Indian Ocean
Training on Communicating Research to Policymakers, April 4–8, 2016, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Carnegie Fund for Conference Attendance (CFCA) Grantee: Attended International Symposium on Tropical Ocean and Climate in Qingdao, China (June 15–17, 2015)
Manyilizu MC. 2015. Modelling approach towards a better understanding of sea surface salinity off the East Africa coast. Informatics Virtual Educ. 3(1):15–21
Manyilizu M, Dufois F, Penven P, Reason C. 2014. Interannual variability of sea surface temperature and circulation in the tropical western Indian Ocean. Afr. J Mar. Sci. 36(2):233–52