Africa Science News Service: Three African S&T Networks US $.8M Grant by US Institutions

A new initiative to build scientific capacity in Africa has named its first three research and training networks following a competitive selection process. The three networks selected include the African Materials Science and Engineering Network (AMSEN), led by Lesley Cornish of the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. This network will focus on improving education in materials science to make fuller use of Africa's vast mineral deposits. The second network selected was the Southern African Biochemistry and Informatics for Natural Products (SABINA), which aims to improve food security, public health, and exports by taking advantage of Africa's natural biodiversity through advances in natural products science. The Western Indian Ocean Regional Initiative in Marine Science and Education (WIO-RISE), led by Alfonse Dubi, was the third network to have been selected. It aims to use research and training to promote the sustainable development, utilization, and protection of the coastal and marine environment. Article here.

July 2008