News Archive

June 2011

The Science Initiative Group (SIG), headed by its Executive Director Ms. Arlen Hastings, and its Program Associate, Ms. Lori Mulcare, visited and met with the University of Botswana (UB) management, staff, and students on June 24, 2011. The purpose of the visit by the RISE delegation was to meet representatives of government ministries of science, higher education and finance (or equivalents), as well as regional organizations. The objectives were to provide information about the work RISE is doing, including its potential to contribute to local economies, to explain SIG's efforts to scale up and sustain RISE through the involvement of the World Bank and other partners; and to discuss mechanisms to support regional initiatives.

May 2011

Chilean MSI launches results of Report on Productivity of its Centers 2000-2008 (announcement here and report here in Spanish; English translation of report is forthcoming).

May 2011

Alan Anderson is the newest contributing writer for the Excellence in Science: Profiles of Research Institutions in Developing Countries series produced by TWAS. The latest institution to be featured is the Okavango Research Institute (ORI) in Maun, Botswana. ORI is one of the nodes in the RISE Sub-Saharan Africa Water Resources Network (SSAWRN).

May 2011

A new case study examining Botswana’s Okavango Research Institute (ORI) and its work on wetland systems, focuses on the research of the Institute’s first cohort of graduate students, five of whom are supported by the Regional Initiative in Science and Education (RISE), a program funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and administered by the Science Initiative Group (SIG) based at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The case study is jointly published by SIG and TWAS, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. Full article here.

April 2011

by Francisco Marmolejo

Africa is a fascinating and puzzling part of the world... Outfitted with my admittedly limited knowledge of the region, but also an awareness of my shortcomings and a determination to learn, I traveled last week to Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso...
