News Archive

August 2010

Adenike Olasiende, a student in the RISE-AMSEN network, has been selected as a recipient of the Tata Africa Scholarship, which is awarded to women scientists in areas in which the participation of women is traditionally low. Read about the winners of the South African Women in Science Awards here.

April 2010

Government indifference threatens to put an end to the Uganda Millennium Science Initiative (MSI) project, says former executive director of the Africa Academy of Sciences, Tom Egwang.

The US $30 million MSI programme, financed by the World Bank and launched in 2006, has made great progress in many areas including malaria vaccines, fisheries, climate change and agri-biotechnology, says Egwang.

But, he claims, "it might not be renewed ... because our government does not care about it anymore."

Text from SciDev.Net.

March 2010

A new study by Joseph Nguta, whose work toward his PhD is funded through the Carnegie Corporation of New York-supported Regional Initiative in Science and Education (RISE), documents medicinal plants that are traditionally used to treat malaria by Kenya’s Msambweni community on the country’s South coast, where the disease is endemic.

March 2010

A 2009 paper by a team of researchers, including three from an MSI Nucleus, the Montessus de Ballore International Earthquake Research Center, has been cited in the Chilean press in the wake of the magnitude 8.8 earthquake in C

March 2010

As more African nations emerge from post-colonial turmoil, most of their leaders have agreed on the importance of strengthening their own science, technology and innovation capacity. As in other societies around the world, such capacity is rooted in the knowledge embodied in universities and their students, faculty and graduates who use and disseminate this knowledge to develop food security and innovate ways of increasing food production, as well as energy resources, public health skills, and economic growth. Article here.
