RISE Cited in Science and Innovation for Development by Sir Gordon Conway and Jeff Waage

From Chapter 3:

Under-resourced and poorly targeted higher education systems bring dissatisfaction amongst both students and trained scientists. For this reason, bright students and researchers leave to study and pursue careers in developed countries. This “brain drain” denies national science innovation systems some of their most skilled and motivated individuals. One way of addressing the “brain drain” is through new programmes, such as those coordinated by the Science Innovation [sic] Group, which supports MSc and PhD training for scientists and engineers in Africa. The group, through the Regional Initiative in Science and Education (RISE) programme, has set-up networks across a number of African universities, so that resources can be pooled in key subject areas, such as biochemistry and marine science. This support, along with links to experts abroad, helps encourage students to stay, and to prepare new, highly qualified teachers for the region.

Book available for download here.

January 2010